So as I walked down the street, I thought of this cranky man waking up from this "scrooge" experience and loving everyone around him (to their discomfort). And I wondered if I could feel love for the people around me and, if not, why not? Why was it that I was so turned off by everyone's differences from me?
And I realized on the other hand that there is a theory called Terror Management Theory (TMT) that says that the more mortality salience we have, the more judgmental and territorial oriented we are -- with an "us/them" sense of the world. For some reason, this theory says, that a stronger sense of self-esteem (i.e. feeling like "I'm better than you" and "My way is better than your way") helps fend off a fear of death. I don't really understand why that would be the conclusion, and I don't necessarily agree with it, but those who have put forth TMT have done research on these responses by people who are reminded about the reality of death.
It seems to me that this difference in response to mortality salience -- being aware of one's ultimate demise--comes from the way one is reminded of one's mortality. From a real near-death experience in which one narrowly escapes death versus talk about or reference to death's reality. I personally have not had an NDE but my awareness of death's reality is fairly substantial -- so perhaps that is why I exhibited the negative response to people???? Who knows. I think it has nothing to do with my mortality salience and more to do with my salience that life is hard and sometimes other people make life harder for me. And sometimes they make it easier. That day, I didn't find anyone helping to make it easier.
Then you get the Christmas Spirit and holiday generosity -- the "feel good" season -- giving food to the needy (this one time a year?) and coats and blankets to the homeless (as if this is the only time to give something and as if that is what and how to give).
But that is another subject altogether...
you have the potential of a good writer and I followed this blog with real curiosity. - about the tmt: I wasn't convinced either whether that theory makes enough sense, but I am sure that mortality, being judgmental and fear, plays all together into us feeling tormented or not. - lots of food for thought
ReplyDeleteWhat you describe feels so natural in New York, something everyone somehow relaxes into at some point. It's contagious also. If one person is in the way on the train, the domino effect occurs immediately. I think this shows more than anything how connected and plugged in we all are.
ReplyDeleteI read recently that the mood of a stranger/neighbor/etc. has a greater impact on our own mood than that of our spouse or roommate.
I must come across as crazy or stupid or both - but somehow it's become part of my physical make-up that I smile at people all the time. Ridiculous - check; embarrassing - check. And yet, somehow it makes me feel better at the same time.
I think we're all in this together, and we frequently experience the same fears, delights, excitement, etc. there's little reason for shutting folks out and pretending we need to be isolated.
For whatever reason, that's what came to mind when I read your post.
Enjoy your winter break.
Best wishes,